Dual Language Program

Dual Language at Congress Park School is an educational approach that promotes biliteracy for both native English-speaking students and native Spanish-speaking students. The aim of the program is for students to become bilingual, bi-literate, and immersed in a multiculturally rich environment. That is, they will be able to read, write, and speak in both languages.
While Dual Language programs are offered in a variety of different structures, a primary feature is that instruction is offered to all students in both English and Spanish. In District 102, we want our bilingual and biliterate students to achieve high levels of success academically, linguistically and socially. Our Dual Language classrooms generally follow a 50/50 two-teacher model in which students receive 50 percent of their daily instruction in Spanish and 50 percent in English.
Dual Language began in 2017-2018 with Kindergarten. Each year, a new grade level is added through 6th grade. As this program takes shape, we will be considering options to support our Dual Language students in grades 7/8 and into the high school years as they move to Lyons Township High School.
Information about Lyons Township High School Seal of Biliteracy program can be found here.
If you have any questions about Dual Language, please contact Rachel Owens at owensra@dist102.k12.il.us
Our Department

Dr. Rachel Owens
Coordinator of Curriculum and Multilingual Instruction
(708) 215-6057