Student Climate Survey

According to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), “Social and emotional learning—the ability to successfully communicate, resolve conflict, interact with others, and manage emotional responses—can help students do better in the classroom and in life.” 

In D102, we know that a strong school climate has positive impacts on student achievement, attendance rates, and school safety, as well as creating conditions for developing healthy social and emotional skills.  

During the last two weeks of October, D102 will be gathering student perceptions of their school climate, as well as their own social-emotional well-being, in the following ways:

K-2nd grade students will orally provide their input during a classroom meeting conversation with their teacher.
3rd-8th grade students will individually complete an online survey in Google Forms. 

Results of the 3rd-8th grade survey are anonymous and will not be used to identify individual students. Rather, the data will be used to gather an overarching sense of students’ perceptions. Each building’s SEL Leadership Team will use the survey results to inform school-wide SEL programming while grade level teachers will use the data to help plan proactive classroom-based SEL instruction.  

While the K-2nd grade classroom conversation is not anonymous, no student information will be collected or shared. Rather, themes identified during the K-2nd grade classroom conversations will be collected by the teacher and used to plan proactive classroom-based SEL instruction.
For more information see:

Student Climate Class Meeting: Grades K-2

Student Survey Questions: Grades 3-5

Student Survey Questions: Grades 6-8

Survey FAQ

Families that wish to opt-out of the survey should either contact their child’s elementary classroom teacher or click on the link shared via Park’s Friday communication.